Excellent weapon variety, art style, and impact. This is a really, really satisfying game, though a little CPU intensive.
I love how the execution move leaves the enemy's head on the lead pipe; that was a nice touch.
Things to may want to improve on, though:
-The execution is far too slow to be efficient. In the time it took I could've killed ten more guys.
-Some weapons are overpowered in the hands of enemies. I know this is kind of naggy, but one single proximity mine took me from 75% health to zero for some reason.
-Make it a little more clear which weapons are dual-wieldable. I didn't know I could dual wield lever shotguns until I picked one up for ammo while I already had one.
-On the scoreboard, there needs to be a rank for a headshot that gibs people (Grenade dart, prox mine?) and a midair headshot that gibs people.
-There are a lot of different shotguns. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I find it a tad unnecessary.
-Perhaps different melee weapons too? One that swings faster (Sword?) or one that does extreme damage (sledgehammer?)
-An editable loadout. Starting off with one beretta and a tommy gun is nice, but having a set of low-tier weapons to choose from would be sweet.